Embracing Transformation: The Journey of “Inner Child”

Before and After

This is the story of how Outside the Lines Artwork came to be, captured with paint on a canvas.

In the dimly lit corners of our lives, where shadows dance and doubts loom large, there exists a spark. It’s the flicker of hope, the ember of resilience, waiting patiently for its moment to ignite into a blaze of transformation. This is the essence captured within the canvas of  a painting I made called “Inner Child.”  This painting not only tells a story but embodies a journey—a journey of my self-discovery, my healing, and me learning how to trust the whispers of my intuition.

The tale behind “Inner Child” begins in the depths of darkness, much like a seed buried in soil. In late 2021, amidst the shadows of despair, I embarked on a therapeutic art journey. It was a time of profound introspection, a quest to navigate through the labyrinth of pain and uncertainty. Yet, within that darkness, there emerged a yearning—for healing, for purpose.

With unwavering determination and the support of loved ones, I turned to the universe, seeking guidance. And in a serendipitous twist of fate, the universe answered with the gift of hypnotherapy. In a transformative session, amidst the soothing waves of Oceanside, a revelation unfolded—my inner child, once thought wounded, stood resilient, vibrant, and untamed.

From this awakening emerged the painting below called “Broken, but Beautiful,” a testament to my courage and resilience—a canvas that spoke of scars turned into stories, of wounds transformed into wisdom. And thus, the journey towards my purpose began—a journey marked by uncertainty, yet fueled by unwavering faith in the transformative power of art.

Erika's Story

As I navigated the labyrinth of self-discovery, questions arose—questions that echoed the doubts and fears of many creators. Who am I? How do I share my vision with the world? How do I carve a path uniquely my own? And amidst these questions, amidst the ebb and flow of doubt, a new chapter unfolded—and my company once called 8th Sense Artistry, now called Outside the Lines Artwork rose out of the ashes of my life experiences flaming bright with all the colors in the universe. 

Renamed and reborn, my new adventure has embraced the ethos of transformation, becoming a sanctuary for those seeking to redefine their narratives through art. With every stroke of the brush, with every canvas brought to life, I embarked on a mission—to challenge perceptions, to spark conversations, to inspire change.

And now, as “Inner Child” takes its place among my portfolio of work, it serves as a beacon—a reminder that within every darkness lies the seed of transformation, waiting to blossom into something beautiful. It is a symbol of resilience, of healing, and of the unwavering belief that within each of us, there exists a spark—a spark waiting to ignite into a flame of purpose.

So, as we gaze upon “Inner Child,” let us embark on this journey together—a journey of self-discovery, of healing, and of trusting the whispers of intuition. For in the canvas of life, amidst the strokes of uncertainty, we find the colors of transformation—and within the depths of our souls, we find the courage to embrace them.

Check out our Instagram page and see the time-lapse videos of the transformation of this piece.  


By: Erika Bride – Transformative Artist and Owner of Outside the Lines Artwork.  

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